Friday, May 30, 2008


I've been back from Oklahoma for almost 2 weeks. A large majority of the time I spent there made me want to write. Teaching every day in a classroom for two weeks gave me a brief insight into the next semester. I also realized how much I LOVE being in the classroom. Now, I have to admit some days were a little rough and I had to take my discipline up a notch, but the hard times made me a better educator.

So, some highlights of my trip:
The ride down with Josh, Curtis, and Brandon... :)
Meeting all the kids at the home
Grocery shopping... haha
Playing football with the kids
Teaching The Alchemist to 4 classes in a row for 2 weeks
Being a "cell phone wizard" haha
Hanging out with Carmen
Watching movies with Carmen using our SWEET set-up :)
Flavor Stix :)
Making brownies
The tour of the Cherokee Indian Reservation and the best tour guide ever: Robert :)
Playing Jr. Monopoly Toy Story edition with Brandon and Carmen
Going on a field trip
Getting hit on by little 8th graders on said field trip
Having friends call and wake me up bc they got to sleep in the next day
Getting lost with Carmen in Oklahoma City
The ride home and singing Leona Lewis "Keep Bleeding" with Curtis, Josh, and Brandon :)

There are so many other things that come to mind, but I'll stop here. I feel blessed by my new friendships and closer bonds with the others from the trip. I can't give the trip justice through a mere blog. I have learned to be patient and accepting in a new light though. My parents have blessed me so much, after working with these kids I feel so grateful... that is all.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Top 10 College Tips

It's May 1, 2008. I'm packing up all my belongings in my dorm room for the last time. Finals are drawing to a close, people are moving home for the summer, and a sigh of relief floats across this campus with a force so powerful you can't help but feel it. Another school year is coming to a close and this time it is different. Tomorrow afternoon I will be taking my last final...and it's of course for my history class. Then I have the joy of moving at warp speed and leaving Saturday at 2 for Oklahoma. I'm just so excited! ...not.

As the semester ends my new job will be beginning. I'm going to be an m.i.t. (Manager in training) at Abercrombie and Fitch at the Lakeside mall. I'm actually very excited about this job! I love working part-time at the A&F in the Village, so this is the next step, a bigger challenge to face I guess. I'm also excited to move into an apartment and decorate. I have big plans for my bedroom especially. :)

But I digress...So, what have I learned after 8 semesters, 2 maymesters, 53 classes and 148 completed credit hours? (Yes, I'm procrastinated on studying for my final exam tomorrow by adding that up...haha)

1.) People are always more important that getting the grade. I'm not saying you should slack off or anything, but if you have to pick between building relationships and killing yourself studying, I vote for the relationships every time. Good friends are hard to find, and they last a lifetime.
2.) Don’t worry too much about your looks. Trust me, they aren't everything. Leave your room without make-up and hair gel weighing you down. Feel good about being natural. Anyone who thinks any less of you for that, isn't worth your time anyways. And it makes those times you do get dressed up all the more special.
3.) Utilize the resources that are in your environment. This might be a good professor who will challenge you, building a relationship with the dean of students, taking a course that you will have to work hard in to succeed, etc.
4.) Make good friends. And when I say good, I mean it two fold. a.) Friends who are good people and encourage you to do good things and b.) friends who treat you right.
5.) Read, as often as you can.. enough said.
6.) Try and keep up on current issues. (This is still something I could be better at.) Whether you do this by watching the news, reading newspapers or the Internet, etc. You should be aware of the world around you, especially outside the U.S.
7.) Enjoy the social aspect as much as you can, but make sure you can balance your schoolwork too! :)
8.) Don't get caught up in gossip, especially when you go to a small school and have facebook to help you stalk people, it can be tempting to talk about your friends. We're all guilty, but in the end it tears people down and is NEVER good.
9.) Don't wish away your college years. There are times when you'll be stressed and frustrated but remember this is a special time in your life and you need to soak it all in.
10.) Try to be open-minded. If you go in with your mind already made up then you might miss out on getting to know a good person, making a new friend, or hearing a new perspective.

I'm sure there are more I could sit here and think of because these 10 came to mind so quickly but I feel that the cliché less is more fits well here. I'm not claiming to be some expert on "How to have the best college experience possible" but I think these might be universal and useful...that is all. :)