Friday, March 14, 2008

Define Yourself

Just what every college senior wants... to look in the mirror and ask the question, "Who am I?" Then even scarier, "What am I doing when I graduate in 9 months?" I've always wanted to be a teacher, but lately I just don't know if it's what's right. Funny enough student teaching is what is beginning to change my mind. I spend every Tuesday and some Fridays at Stoney Creek watching a great English teacher and think to myself... "Is this going to be me?"
I just want my own class. I want routine instead of being a guest star every week. I love teaching, but there is just too much involved in pre-teaching that doesn't really help all that much. I'm not trying to bash Rochester College's education program. It's not them because all colleges are like this. Speaking as a student going through the long, tedious program I have to say it could be shortened. It's more important to have a few very good placements, rather than many mediocre. I'm burnt out already after my "week off". haha I need spring break part 2, and it should take place somewhere warm, preferrably with a beach. :) This is why I picked education, so I could get my summers off. ...just kidding! (well kind of)
Do I know what I want to do when I graduate? Not really, but I feel as though education is my calling and even though some days are rough when all is said and done I love it. I love every minute I get to spend lecturing, writing lessons, grading papers, reading a story together in class and discussing its characteristics, and I love helping students. Whether I help them pick teams for March Madness, correct/edit a paper, or show them how to fix a comma splice I know I belong in the classroom...that is all.

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