Friday, October 3, 2008

ode to autumn

There is always that one morning. If you've lived in Michigan for any extended period of time you know what I'm talking about. That one morning when you wake up with a shiver and realize at some point during your slumber summer ended and autumn commenced. It usually happens at about 3 or 4 a.m. because you have to get up and slide out from under your sheets and throw that extra blanket on your bed. No longer are you fighting with your sheets anymore prying them off halfway through the night due to the heat. Instead you now cling to every possible source of heat. Then when your alarm goes off and you start to slide your leg out of bed and your toe grazes the chilly floor you instantly cringe and fling the covers back over your body grasping for those last few moments of warmth from your safe haven of pillows and blankets.

I bring this up because this was 2 nights ago. How poetic that it happened on September 30th/October 1st. One month ending, a new month beginning--one season closing, a new season opening. I know there are official days on the calendar devoted to the starts of the seasons; however, we Michiganders know best when it comes to weather changing. After all, we experience these changes about every 20 minutes. We often joke around saying, "If you don't like the weather wait 15 minutes because it will change." There is a great deal of truth to this statement. In fact, this one characteristic of Michigan that I have come to love over the last 22 years. If I lived somewhere without 4 distinct seasons I might just cry. Especially autumn--with the reds, yellows, and oranges on every tree slowly overtaking the green; the apple cider; cool mornings and days perfect for sporting your favorite is by far my favorite time of the year. If only it could last a bit longer. :(

Hmm...Fall is awesome! That is all. :)

1 comment:

Naomi said...

Boo we have no fall in the south and I hate it!