Saturday, February 28, 2009


Alright, I have to come clean. I caved in after 4 1/2 years and started watching Lost a few weeks ago. I remember when EVERYONE was watching it during its first 2 seasons, but I guess I'm always behind the times because I didn't start watching back then. College life always kept me very busy and one thing I did know was this was the type of show you had to commit to. If you miss one episode you'll be "lost." haha Now, the show has lived up to all the hype because I am hooked. I watched the first 3 seasons in about 3 weeks, and trust me: I don't sit at home every night watching it. I am fairly busy with other things. However, I always watch a few when I come home from school before going out at night and Saturday morning reads got cut in half and shared with watching Lost.

If you're not familiar with the show then, in just a few words, it revolves around survivors from a plane crash: Oceananic Flight 815. There are about 45 people who crash on what appears to be a deserted island in the Pacific. However, soon they run into all sorts of problems while attempting to be rescued like a smoke monster, "the others", betrayal, treachery amongst one another, etc. Sure, that sounds like it might be very corny, but it's really not. The thing I like the most about it is that I can't predict what's going to happen and often I'm surprised.

I haven't enjoyed a tv show this much in a long time. That is all...

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