Saturday, January 31, 2009

goodbye January

January 31, 2009

I can't believe was fast this month was gone by and how many things have happened. I guess I will devote this blog to the past 31 days.

Subbing is going well. It's not my dream job, but being around high school students every day is at least a step closer than any other jobs I have had. I keep wondering if I should get a second job a few nights a week or maybe on the weekends. So far I have not been that motivated.

I worked at Rochester High School for the second time yesterday. As much as I love the schools down that way I usually don't work there. It makes little sense since it is a longer drive and less money than the districts this way pay. Something I will say about RHS is that it's the kind of school I would love to work at. They have so much school spirit and tradition. In high school I was one of those students who did everything and loved every minute of it...okay, well 95% of it. haha I think the 5 years between now and my high school days have taken the shape of rose colored glasses in regards to some of the negatives of my high school career. However, I really did enjoy high school while I was there, not that I want to go back and relive it at all. I do have some great memories though.

I started reading Harry Potter for the second time. I read all the books during May of 2007, waiting until July for book 7 of course. Book 7 is the only one that I have read twice, and that is simply because I got it at 2a.m. then read it so quickly I missed parts. I had to go back the next two days and slow down to get the whole effect of the book. When I'm subbing I always take a book with me, so it's nice to have my HP and really take my time.

I also love that I'm getting ever closer to my cousin Katie. She is one of my favorite people because she is so real. She has a great sense of humor and heart. I can't wait to see what great things lie in her future. It's weird to think she'll be off at college next year. I'm so excited for her!

A lot of other things happened in January, but I don't want to put every detail of my life up here. I'm so excited for the future: February, March, and so on. It's funny because I have no idea what it holds and that would usually scare me. I guess someone is rubbing off on my a lot lately and I'm learning to roll with the punches...and cancel sub jobs in order to get better ones. :) haha Kind of an inside joke...that is all.

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