Saturday, November 29, 2008

2 weeks, 1 day, 29 minutes...

It is now 1:31 p.m. on Saturday, November 29, 2008 and it's hitting me...I will be graduating from college in just 2 short weeks. I can't believe how fast the past semester has gone by. There were days when the end seemed so far away. But now here I am, sitting home and contemplating my future. Where do I go next? Where should I live? work? I don't have any answers. When I started college 4 years ago I felt so confident. Compared to most of my friends I was unique. I had a major and minor--a direction to go in education-wise. Now, here I sit, more confused than ever. I have so many big decisions to make in the next month. Should I sign a lease here or out of state? Where can I find a job? I mean, this is such a solid economy, right? :) I guess I wanted to throw all this out here because I have no idea. I just needs prayers and support...that is all.


Katy said...

I gave you an award:

Amy Stewart said...

Who are you teaching with at Stoney Creek? (I did my student teaching with 2 teachers there.)