Friday, July 25, 2008

book club

I want to read. The idea of sitting down with a few books and doing nothing but being literate for a while sounds so enticing to me. The library has always been a favorite place of mine. There is something so amazing about the smell of books. It might sounds strange but when you crack open a novel at first there is a richness in the aroma.

I remember in elementary school when there was a reading program. Once you completed so many books you would win a free pizza from pizza hut. I wish I could still get free food just for reading. haha Maybe that's the poor, hungry college student in me talking. Perhaps there should be some profound thought to this, but I just wish I had more free time to read...enough said.

Someone actually told me the other day they didn't want to read the book because if the plot was any good someone would just make a movie for it sooner or later. The sad part...they were dead serious. When I have kids I'm going to make them read books before they watch the movie. I bet they'll resent me for that. haha ..that is all. :)

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