Sunday, February 17, 2008

battle of the sexes?

It is interesting that the generalization is often made that women are confusing. I am not denying that there is often truth to this; however, in my opinion men aren't that easy to understand either.
Today, Lindsay was reading a magazine that had an article about former tips for women from the 1960's. One of these tips was "Stay quiet when you disagree with your husband because a man rarely will divorce his wife for not speaking." I'm shocked at this statement, yet I decided to take it with a grain of salt. How often do men want to know what we're thinking until we try to tell them and they wish they'd never asked? Also, how many times do we wonder what guys are thinking when the truth is simply... nothing. Sometimes, we need to know when to shut up and hold our thoughts at bay until our emotions calm down and we can be sensible. However, there are also times when we must be respectful and listen to the person we cares about no matter how crazy they might sound. I mean the bible tells us to respect one another and be considerate of our needs as followers of Christ.
I know this is kind of one sided because I can really only speak for half of the population. Also noting I can't really speak for every female because we all are different. The only thing I hope to accomplish from this posting is that a little patience goes a long way. Admitting and accepting that we are different, but perhaps not from different planets (As the famous book Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus suggests) but rather we just live in neighborhoods down the street from each other... things might get interesting. We must also remember to be men and women of God. Respect is key in this. When we respect each other things are so much better. It might just be a beginning, but we have to start somewhere... that is all.

1 comment:

Brandon said...

first of all. all I can say that me myself is even shocked at that tip.