Monday, February 25, 2008


Isn't it funny how as a child when you're forced to take a nap you never want to take advantage of the opportunity? As a child I would run away, hide, or do anything I could to avoid having to take naps. There were always more exciting things to do! I wanted to ride my bike, play basketball in the driveway, run so fast that I wouldn't be able to catch my breath, or go into the woods with my brother and all the other neighborhood boys. I was the only girl, so I had to be able to keep up and napping just would not do!
In high school I would have liked to take naps. However, I was always so busy with school, sports, friends, etc. that there never seemed to be enough hours in the day. In fact, I was thrilled when I got to sleep at least 7 hours at night.
Now as a college senior I find myself taking naps every chance I can get. This is most likely because there is so much more to do at night (during the designated sleeping hours) that I tend to make up for my lack of nighttime sleep during the daylight hours. Naps are my favorite down time activity. I bury myself in pillows and blankets and find myself asleep in mere moments. There is also something fantastic about sleeping longer than you know you should. I know there are those who say sleep is a waste of time and that's what death is for--or something morbid like that. Don't get me wrong they have a point, but sleep is still one of my all time favorite pastimes---that is all. :)

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