Sunday, February 3, 2008

People Watcher

Did you ever find yourself staring at someone without realizing it? Or maybe you just did it on purpose and you don't even mind getting caught. Today I found myself looking around during the announcement's portion of church. My eyes drifted to the families with all the young children coloring and scrambling around in the pews playing with their sibling or friend. Then the cute older couple who still hold hands and share a songbook. Next, the newlyweds who stare so lovingly at each other and you can still see the newness of their bond. I know going to church has different meanings for different people, but for me there is something special about taking note in the people who surround us rather than just worrying about my own spiritual journey.
I find myself getting so caught up in work and school that often I forget to notice what else is going on around me. It's the beginning of another month and the goal I've decided to set for myself to be be a better observer. This might go rather badly, but I'm going to at least give it a shot and be more open to others' needs. That is all.

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