Monday, January 7, 2008

1st day back

My alarm went off far too early this morning, 7:07 a.m. I rolled over and hit the snooze a few times and just thought to myself, "Wow, I'm going to have to get better at waking up if I'm going to be a teacher the rest of my life." A thought that has loomed over me for years...
First class of the semester: Pluralism with Anne Nichols. She has far too much energy for 8a.m. and I knew this going in because I had her last semester in the exact same time slot for American Writers. I will say this though; she does dress adorably. These are the things I tend to notice in younger teachers since I soon will be one myself and am trying to collect more "adult clothing" to teach in. It's funny how many of my outfits have evolved over the past 4 years. A cute dress I used to often wear to church now paired with a cardigan is my "teacher look" according to my friends. Before I declared my major it was simply a dress....
My second class of the day was Foundations of Education with Mr. Dawson. This is my fourth semester in a row of having him. Lindsay has him three classes in a row this semester... (I think she might have a crush). He is the essence of organization. I have never meet a professor who has better time management skills in my 3 1/2 years of college.
As I left this class I found myself walking with Lindsay to assembly and felt this wave of sadness. I'm a big nerd, but I couldn't help but think this is the last "first day of classes" for me. Sure, I have student teaching in the fall, but that's a whole new thing. I think about my brother who began teaching first graders today and shutter when I realize in a year's time that will be me and I'll be "Ms. Johnson". Weird!
My thought for the day: I'm not going to dwell on all the "last times" instead I want to embrace them and enjoy my last real semester of college. We often spend far too much time worrying and getting stressed over school that we seem to forget to enjoy it (Although, there are those who enjoy it too much too. haha) I want to find a good balance this year between school, work, and friends and begin to make the transition into the future. Also, when in doubt look to God, He's got things under control.

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