Monday, January 7, 2008


“Time is the most valuable thing a man can spend.” - Theophrastus

I admit I completely stole this quote from Brandon's website, but I read it and couldn't help but think it was worth stealing. I mention it now because of a conversation I had just last night when a friend said, "I don't believe in 'I don't have enough time for that' because we make time for the things that are important to us."
This got me to thinking how right he was in this statement. Over the past 3 1/2 years of my college career I have always stayed busy juggling 18+ credit hours, working, spending time with friends and family, etc. and it can be overwhelming. But, I'd like to think that when push comes to shove and I have to prioritize, people come first. I'm sure there have been exceptions to this, but if one of my friends really needs me I always manage to find the time. I stay up all night, give up on studying, or even forgo food (gasp) if I have a friend in need. I have never once regretted getting a lower grade on a test or paper or having to drink some extra coffee because I did not get enough sleep because I spent too much time with a person.
As I enter the final months of my college career I think back and smile at some of the wonderful experiences I've had because of the wonderful people in my life. My challenge to anyone who actually reads this (haha) is to think were you put your time because that will show you who or what you find most important.

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